
Slovak Government National Scholarship Program (NSP) for 2024

The Slovak Government National Scholarship Program (NSP) for 2024 offers a fantastic opportunity for international students, PhD candidates, university teachers, researchers, and artists to engage in academic and professional activities in Slovakia. This program, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic, aims to support the mobility of international scholars to Slovak higher education institutions and research organizations.

Benefits and Stipend

The NSP provides significant financial support to cover living costs in Slovakia, ensuring that recipients can focus on their academic or professional development without worrying about financial constraints. The scholarship amounts are as follows:

  • Students at the second level of higher education receive a monthly stipend of 620 EUR.
  • PhD Students are awarded 1025.50 EUR per month.
  • University Teachers, Researchers, and Artists receive monthly allowances that vary based on their qualifications and experience, ranging from 1025.50 EUR to 1470 EUR.

Additionally, eligible students and PhD candidates can apply for a travel grant, which varies based on the distance from their residence to Slovakia, with the amount ranging from 50 EUR to 1500 EUR. This travel allowance is paid at the end of the scholarship holder’s stay alongside the last scholarship payment.

Eligibility Criteria

The NSP is open to:

  • Master’s Students: Those enrolled in master’s programs outside Slovakia, who have completed at least 2.5 years of their study, eligible for 1-2 semester stays.
  • PhD Students: Individuals engaged in higher education or scientific training outside Slovakia, eligible for stays ranging from 1 to 10 months.
  • University Teachers, Researchers, Artists: International academics and artists invited for teaching, research, or artistic engagements in Slovakia, with eligibility for stays extending from 1 to 10 months.

The program supports various disciplines and encourages applications from all over the world, provided they meet the language requirements and have not spent more than 12 months in Slovakia within the 36 months prior to the application deadline.

Application Process

Applicants are required to submit their applications online through the official NSP website. The application must include a CV, a motivation letter, a detailed study/research plan, and relevant confirmations or invitation letters from Slovak institutions. It’s crucial to apply before the deadline to prevent any system overloads and ensure your application is processed smoothly.

Slovak Gov Scholarship Application Deadlines for 2024 Admissions

There are two main application deadlines:

  • 30 April 2024 at 16.00 CET: For scholarship stays during the next academic year.
  • 31 October 2024 at 16.00 CET: For scholarship stays during the summer semester of the current academic year.

It is recommended that applicants, especially those requiring a visa, consider the time necessary for visa application procedures when planning their scholarship stay. For more detailed information and to apply, interested individuals can visit the official Slovak Government NSP website or contact the program administrators via email at [email protected] or [email protected].

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