
Turkish Diyanet Foundation Scholarships for 2024

The Diyanet Foundation Scholarships for 2024, offered by the Turkish Diyanet Foundation (TDF), present a remarkable opportunity for international students to pursue their educational ambitions in Turkey. These scholarships cover a wide range of programs, including high school, undergraduate, and postgraduate studies in theology and related fields. Here’s an overview of the scholarship program, including eligibility criteria, the application process, and deadlines:


The scholarships offer a comprehensive package that includes tuition fees, accommodation, a monthly allowance, health insurance, and travel costs. The objective is to alleviate the financial burdens on students, enabling them to concentrate fully on their academic and personal development. The programs are tailored to foster scholars, leaders, and intellectuals in Islamic studies​.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the Diyanet Foundation Scholarships varies depending on the specific program but generally includes international students who demonstrate strong academic performance and meet the program’s qualifications.

Specific requirements may include age limits and academic achievements. For example, applicants for the International Anatolian Imam Hatip High School Program must be non-Turkish citizens, unmarried, born on or after January 1, 2008, and have a minimum 70% score in higher secondary school or equivalent. They must not have been disciplined during their education, must reside outside Turkey, and maintain good physical and mental health​.

For postgraduate applicants, requirements include having a bachelor’s degree thesis (for master’s applicants) or a master’s degree thesis (for Ph.D. applicants), graduating by July 2024 from relevant fields, not having any health problems that would impede studies, not having received any disciplinary punishments or convictions, and meeting specific language proficiency requirements​.

Application Process

The application process for the TDV Scholarships involves applying through the Diyanet Scholarships Management System (DBYS). The application period for the 2024-2025 academic year ends on March 1, 2024. After document and information checks for preliminary evaluation, applicants will be invited for face-to-face interviews in their respective countries. Interviews assess various competencies, including religious knowledge, general culture, self-expression ability, preference awareness, and language skills​​​.

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply for Diyanet Foundation scholarships is March 1, 2024. It’s crucial to start the application process early to ensure all materials and documents are submitted on time. Evaluation of applications, interviews, and final selections will follow the application deadline, with results typically announced by June 10, 2024.

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